Gard, département le plus pauvre de France avec 9,8% contre 6,2% de
RSA ; le plus nataliste, sur 10 ans, 13,1% d'augmentation contre 6,5 [ce ne sont pas les étrangers, 5,3% contre 5,8% qui sont cause de cet extrême
écart] ; où la proportion de délits et de crimes est la plus lourde
(pour 100 000 personnes, 742 contre 600) ainsi que celle des vols (4064 contre 2908) ;
où le taux de chômage est le plus haut (13% contre 9,4) ; les salaires inférieurs de 10% et les imposables sur le revenu
seulement 52% contre 59... est aussi le département où l'extrême droite FN a réalisé son score le plus élevé (25% contre 18)! La misère
conduit le peuple à se fasciser ; cela évoque la prise de pouvoir de
Hitler dans une Allemagne exsanguinée par le traité de Versailles : la
haine au lieu de s'attacher à ses responsables véritables vise des bouc-émissaires
qu'ils leur offrent en pâture comme un os de
poulet à un chien affamé -en principe les "étrangers", les juifs, arabes, et actuellement, en premier, les roms ..
Source, Midi libre 26/4/2012
The Gard is the poorest department of France... where the proportion of RSA (social aids for long-time unemployed) is the most important [9,8% and 6,2 only outside] ; where the increase of people during the ten later years (13,1%) is double of those outside (6,5%) [yet, the proportion of foreigners is not very important, 5,3% and 5,8 % outside] ; the delinquancy harder and overrepresented (742 crimes and offenses/100 000 and outside, only 600); 4064 robs and only 2908 outside; the unemployement concerns 13% of actives and only 9,4 outside; the salaries are 10% lower than outside average ; and there is only 52% tax payers for the revenues taxes and 59% outside… And yet, it's the place where Le Pen's score (extreme-right) is the best, 25,5% and 18% outside ! It seems that the misere leads to vote.. for an extreme wealthy (and of extreme right) woman who despises us as all these richs usually despise low people. May be her violent scorn for the foreigners, arabs and jewish too (the poors, not the wealthy ones who walk to shopping on chic lanes of the sixteenth) whose she says that they are the main cause of their poverty has convinced them that only her can resolve the question by massive expulsions ? Is it so easy to transfert the pain of people and to turn it against innocents in order to make them forget the real causes of their situation: the dramatic increase of social inequality mainly since Sarko's rule ?
Source, Midi libre 26/4/2012
The Gard is the poorest department of France... where the proportion of RSA (social aids for long-time unemployed) is the most important [9,8% and 6,2 only outside] ; where the increase of people during the ten later years (13,1%) is double of those outside (6,5%) [yet, the proportion of foreigners is not very important, 5,3% and 5,8 % outside] ; the delinquancy harder and overrepresented (742 crimes and offenses/100 000 and outside, only 600); 4064 robs and only 2908 outside; the unemployement concerns 13% of actives and only 9,4 outside; the salaries are 10% lower than outside average ; and there is only 52% tax payers for the revenues taxes and 59% outside… And yet, it's the place where Le Pen's score (extreme-right) is the best, 25,5% and 18% outside ! It seems that the misere leads to vote.. for an extreme wealthy (and of extreme right) woman who despises us as all these richs usually despise low people. May be her violent scorn for the foreigners, arabs and jewish too (the poors, not the wealthy ones who walk to shopping on chic lanes of the sixteenth) whose she says that they are the main cause of their poverty has convinced them that only her can resolve the question by massive expulsions ? Is it so easy to transfert the pain of people and to turn it against innocents in order to make them forget the real causes of their situation: the dramatic increase of social inequality mainly since Sarko's rule ?
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